Category: News
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There is no hiding from the fact that companies, both large and small, need to invest in legal aid to help with the smooth running of their operations. And, with more than 90% of legal and tax professionals saying their work provides them with a significant se
Cybersecurity is becoming a critical issue globally, given the heavy Internet usage for businesses. Hackers find it easy to crack into your system and acquire sensitive information. In fact, during the second quarter of 2022, there were approximately 52 millio
Moving digital assets into the cloud is a common trend for businesses nowadays. More of them find the convenience of organising and retrieval it affords highly advantageous to their operations.
Disruptions happen daily at factories around the globe, causing significant damage to production processes. According to Statista, there’s an estimated loss of $184USD million in 2021 due to supply chain disruptions globally. No manufacturing business is imm
Behind any organization and company's success is a team of happy, healthy, and satisfied employees. Any business with high employee morale tends to enjoy a healthy work culture and well-engaged employees and won't have any problem sourcing or attracting the be
Today’s business models depend on internet connectivity, and network outages are costly. Business systems and applications rely on the internet for optimal functioning. And even the slightest disruption in connection can have a detrimental impact on an enter
We live in a world where businesses constantly reinvent themselves to remain competitive. Automation and digitisation goals feature in well over half of all today’s businesses’ long-term corporate strategies, according to PwC's most recent annual Global CE
Grant writing can be a daunting task. If you’ve never written a grant proposal before the idea of putting one together can be overwhelming. This article will cover the proposal writing process from start to finish, with tips and best practices along the way.
According to insight from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than 38% of the UK workforce now enjoy either a part-hybrid or totally remote role. While sceptics have suggested that this trend will begin to fall in-line with retreating COVID-19 cases