Founded in 1993 by Gernod Dittel, DITTEL Engineering GmbH has over the years grown alongside the cleanrooms market. The importance and excellence of firms such as DITTEL Engineering has been significantly highlighted during the pandemic, with the massive increase on the need for cleanliness being imperative, whether or not there is a global pandemic. As a result, Acquisition International magazine has recognised the company for its 2021 Award for Innovation in Cleanroom Technology – Germany, so we take the opportunity to find out more about what it can offer clients.
Working in medicine demands a clean and particle-free workplace – that much is absolutely undisputed. However, there are also a great many other industries and sectors where maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness is crucial. The global vaccine rollout against COVID-19 may be underway, but now is not the time to let up on achieving those same standards of cleanliness that have proven vital in holding back the virus and keeping business going. Companies all over Europe are relying on the service that is provided by cleanroom companies such as DITTEL Engineering, whether they be medical technology companies, or industry stalwarts that work in automotive, aerospace, or plastic-focused industries. However, the focus of DITTEL Engineering in its award-winning success is very much on its service for pharmaceutical companies, medical technology manufacturers, laboratories, pharmacies, and hospitals. These facilities all require a working environment that is free from particles and germs of all kinds, let alone COVID-19.
Delivering the right kind of cleanroom technology for each of these clients is not an easy thing to do. For instance, producing the right kind of environment for a computer chip to go into a medical device is not the same kind of environment that would be right for producing and storing an innovative new drug. Each environment needs to be carefully created to exacting standards, and the team at DITTEL Engineering settle for nothing less than perfection every single time. All members of staff pride themselves on being part of a firm that delivers tailor-made cleanrooms and working environments that suit all manner of needs and requirements across a broad clientele.
The planners that form the team at DITTEL Engineering work closely alongside their clients, which breeds a greater understanding of what products they will be delivering and what requirements the room must have. Starting with a huge bank of knowledge around what a client needs is imperative to creating the perfect space. Cleanrooms and clean working environments require specialised planning and planners to deliver them, and DITTEL Engineering boasts some of the best in the business. However, it is not just about the planning, design, or creation of the room itself. Construction is one thing, but for many of these companies, they also require access to the latest equipment and technology that their industry has to offer.
Medical innovation is now moving at such a pace that companies can hardly afford to not keep up with it. Thanks to its experience in creating cleanrooms for some of the most innovative industries working in the world today, DITTEL Engineering has the capability to also provide its customers with a broad overview of the current state of scientific and technological applications within their chosen industry. Not only is this an added bonus for customers, but it often provides them with vital knowledge. The engineers that DITTEL Engineering works with accompany their clients in the lifelong pursuit of future-oriented technological efficiency of interdisciplinary technologies, as well as in the increased consideration of aspects such as energy efficiency and sustainability.
Without the innovative work that DITTEL Engineering does, society could lack in so many industries and areas. It would not be possible to research, produce, or cure precisely, and there would be countless numbers of contaminants in many of the products that people use every single day. Since cleanroom technology has become an indispensable part of modern manufacturing methods, more and more companies and industries are looking to DITTEL Engineering when planning high-purity industrial and medical environments. The necessity to be clean and pure is one that should always be treated with importance, but recent events have forced many more industries to consider just how pure and clean their production methods are. Thanks to the sterling work of the firm, the world is surely a safer place than it would have been.
Indeed, cleanroom manufacturing and technology is a key part of innovation, and has become a cornerstone of modern manufacturing methods. High-purity industrial and medical environments are so important in ensuring safety, and DITTEL Engineering continues to master the art of delivering these environments to the highest possible standard. As more and more innovation is developed and delivered every single day, the work of DITTEL Engineering to ensure the proper safety of that innovation is invaluable.
For further information, please contact Dr. Gernod Dittel or visit www.dittel-engineering.de