In the current economic climate, the lack of employment opportunities, risk of layoffs, long-term unemployment outlook, and competition in the workplace have led to higher stress on the job and much lower satisfaction in the daily grind. COVID-19 has left the economies of the world reeling and caused many people to reevaluate their career priorities. As the Leading Global Franchise Consultant of the Year, Frannexus CEO Seth Lederman is on hand to help. Find out more about this outstanding leader as we reveal more about the firm and its exceptional founder.
There can be little denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has left many people feeling insecure and uncertain about what the future may hold in many areas of their lives. For some, they are worried about traveling and seeing friends or family. Others are worried about their job, or perhaps their lack of employment and the opportunities to get one during a national lockdown that has been forced by a virulent and highly transmissible disease. In this current economic and social climate, it can be hard to see positives and find new opportunities to get out of the rut of lacking employment opportunities, risk of layoffs, long-term unemployment outlooks, and competition in the workplace. The insecurity and uncertainty brought about by this period of pandemic-induced lockdown have led many people to rightfully re-evaluate their priorities and ask questions such as “Is this really what I want to be doing for the rest of my career?”. If the answer is no, there is a solution out there, just waiting to be seized upon. It comes in the form of Frannexus.
Frannexus is the brainchild of its outstanding CEO, Seth Lederman, and it functions as a leading franchise consultancy that has been founded by an entrepreneur for like-minded entrepreneurs. A selfconfessed entrepreneur. Seth founded Frannexus with a belief and passion that he could help people get into business for themselves, taking charge of their own professional lives and becoming their own boss. The overwhelming force of the pandemic and the national lockdowns that have happened worldwide have forced many people to seriously consider becoming their own boss and doing something different from what they have been doing for, potentially, a very long time. It is not surprising that many unhappy with the economy and their situations have considered business ownership. Not only is it great for the economy, but it is also a perfect opportunity for the potential business owner in question.
One of the strongest feelings that will often pull an individual towards leading a life of entrepreneurship is that they are tired of doing all the work while others reap the rewards and gain the plaudits. Seeing others claim the rewards after putting in all the hard work can be frustrating for many people. It’s enough to drive them to do something for themselves and work for their own reward. Starting a business can do many things for many people, from replacing lost or reduced income to providing relief from work burnout or giving flexibility in work-life balance that isn’t possible as an employee. There are many benefits to starting a business, and they are going to vary depending on a few variables.
Attaining the coveted status of a business owner is not as hard as it seems, and Frannexus is on hand to help clients achieve that dream. For professionals who crave the excitement that comes from waking up every morning ready to take on the world, looking to successful business people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Seth Lederman of Frannexus is the answer. Rather than continuing to chase a ghost, their next perfect boss, they can take control of their fortune. If they are unsatisfied in their professional lives and want to take the next step towards something radical and life-changing, then Frannexus can help. Lederman helps his clients achieve what they want to achieve from franchise ownership.
Seth’s Lederman’s consultative approach focuses on understanding the person he is working with. Including gaining an understanding of their personal, professional, and financial goals. He focuses on his clients’ experiences, skills, dreams, lifestyles, and financial goals. Armed with this knowledge and from this place of understanding, Seth seeks to surprise and delight his clients with franchise ownership opportunities that they might have otherwise let pass. These opportunities always strive to take advantage of the client’s skills and experiences and feed into their dreams and personal ambitions for themselves. He also ensures that these opportunities are a good match and that the clients might not have considered on their own.
What makes Frannexus so successful is the determination and the dedication of Seth at the business’s helm. His passion for helping people has long been a staple of his character, which has been apparent since the early days of his career. From early on in his professional working career, two things were apparent to Seth. Firstly, being an entrepreneur came naturally to him, and that was not an instinct he could fight. Secondly, he has always known that he wanted to be in the business of helping people. When he first started out working, Seth became a healthcare provider. However, it was not until he read a book by his mentor, Michael Gerber, that he completely transformed his professional and business life.
The book in question, The E-Myth, granted Seth the knowledge of turning his practice into an enterprise. From the book, he had learned how to grow organically and ensure that every decision he made was for his business’ betterment. Seth was able to apply the knowledge from the book into his practice and soon transform it into an enterprise, growing it ten times in just thirtysix months. Eventually, he was able to get himself into a position where he could work on the business rather than work in it. In turn, this allowed him the opportunity to pursue other passions and business ventures, which would inevitably lead to the creation and foundation of Frannexus. Today, Seth continues to apply that knowledge from his mentor and helps individuals ready to make a career change do the same as he did. Matching their unique talents and passions with a franchise business that works best for their lifestyle, he is an outstanding role model and a savvy businessman.
That matching process has undoubtedly made Frannexus a highly sought after leader within the world of franchise consultancy. Leading the industry is one thing, but maintaining that lead for quite some time while never losing the sense of successful consistency is another thing entirely. Much of Frannexus and Seth’s success comes down to its extensive matching process and unique franchise search approach. Frannexus consultants, including Seth, are advisors and collaborators rather than salespeople. They value the person and their wealth of experience, practical skills, and aspirations. Seth has carefully selected a team that shares his vision and passion for helping them become the best versions of themselves, waking up each morning to a work they adore and are ready to get stuck into.
Professional and dedicated in everything they do, the team at Frannexus is all about helping individuals get ready to make a career change. Specifically, the team helps clients explore franchise ownership as a career transition option or a diversification strategy for their investment portfolio by matching their unique talents and passions with a franchise business that works best for their lifestyle. Lederman and his team work with established professionals, usually with some management experience, find the freedom to work for themselves, freedom of time, and freedom to live the life they have always wanted to live.
The team follows Seth’s example, taking care of everything in a wholly professional and personable manner at all times. Frannexus consultants are, first and foremost, trusted advisors to the clients at all times. They are focused on understanding the clients’ various experiences, skills, dreams, lifestyles, hopes, ambitions, and financial goals to help them make an informed and wise investment decision. Everyone at Frannexus is collaborative, cohesive, and focused on what’s best for the client at all times. Their sole function is to help clients decide if franchising is right for them and uncover the right opportunities.
Ultimately, the work of Seth and the Frannexus team is more valuable now than ever before, with more people taking the time to re-evaluate what they are doing with their lives. When economic uncertainty and the anxiety caused by the pandemic has people reevaluating their path, Frannexus is working tirelessly to give people options for their professional independence. Franchise opportunities are out there, and Seth Lederman is one of the leading advisers and most respected franchise consultants out there.