Going Above and Beyond
AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law (“AMO”) is a growing Indonesian law firm providing comprehensive legal services for companies and individuals. Recently, we caught up with Founding Partner, Noverizky Tri Putra who provided us with a detailed insight into the exceptional services the firm offers their clients.
Established in 2016, AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law was founded by a group of lawyers and professionals that have long-standing experiences, both in national and international commercial transactions.
With a wealth of expertise in dealing with international and national matters, the team at AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law are not limited to financial and banking transaction, shipping and maritime dispute or natural resources issues.
Since their inception, the firm have completed a number of high-profile services and achieved great success. As one of the growing firms in Indonesia, AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law have been at the forefront in execution of a wide array of legal cases for individuals, government, and large corporations. Going into further detail, Noverizky begins by informing us of the firm’s overall mission and the particular areas that the team specialises within.
“Here at AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law, our mission is to establish a diverse range of services and professional assistance to every client effectively, efficiently, and transparently.
“In addition to this, we also cover legal and corporate strategy advise for a vast range of sectors including banking and capital market, infrastructure and major project, merger and acquisition, maritime and port industry, aviation and airspace, mining and energy, plantation and land acquisition to name but a few.”
Enabling the firm to deliver this exceptional level of service, is the dedicated, talented and hard-working team which forms the backbone of AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law. When discussing the internal culture, Noverizky is keen to highlight the significant role the team play in the overall success of the firm and how they ensure that they not only meet the requirements set by their clients but also surpasses their expectations.
“Our lawyers are articulate, with strong written communication skills and most importantly, they are good listeners. In addition to this, they also have exceptional public speaking skills which are essential when you need to argue convincingly in the courtroom before juries and judges.
“However, it’s not all about projection. In order to be able to analyse what clients inform them about or to follow a complex testimony, a lawyer must have good listening skills. The most valuable quality that our lawyers have are not only logical and analytical, but they display a great deal of creativity in their problem solving. They understand that the best solution is not always the most obvious, and in order to outmanoeuvre their challenger it is often necessary to think outside the box.”
Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law will continue to deliver their outstanding expertise and in-depth knowledge to their diverse client bases. Bringing the interview to a close, Noverizky signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for the team at AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law, but also reflects on how far the company has grown since their inception.
“Moving forwards, we are working on becoming one of the pioneering law firms which will be involved in legal technology within Indonesia. The missions of it has to do with the services and capabilities offered since we realised that the growth of the legal technology industry is a fundamental shift in how our services are built, and the resulting impacts we will have on the practice of law.
“Currently, we are enabling cooperation between lawyer and information technology specialist to deliver services more effectively. Lastly, we are also providing legal IT services such as back tracking account, screening and data checking applications, compile and creating reports about account forgery, audit security systems and policies.”
Contact: Noverizky Tri Putra, S.H., L.L.M., (adv)
Company: AM Oktarina Counsellors at Law Address: Kemang Point Building, 3rd Floor Unit III.02 Jl. Kemang Raya No. 3, Bangka, Mampang Prapatan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 17230
Telephone: 021 22716290 /021 7193650
Web Address: www.amoktarina.co