Welcome to the February edition of AI Magazine, your one-stop-shop for all corporate news and insight.
From altering our perceptions on the world, to connecting brands to clients, this month’s issue of Acquisition Intl. focuses on innovation and its place in modern corporations.
With significant moves occurring for China Re with the recent acquisition of Chaucer Group, this change will enable the firm to deliver on their “One Core, Three Breakthroughs and Five Crossovers” strategy, which was launched in 2015. We explore how this change will reshape the future for the group and the wider corporate landscape.
In other news, a new report reveals that medium-sized businesses are committed to technology, however with digital now a priority for businesses of all sizes, they must ensure they have the necessary skills and security management in place to handle the change. If not, this change could cost them, as they risk falling behind competitors according to Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company.
Gracing the cover of this month’s issue is one of the world leaders in developing Geospatial Intelligence Software, ProStar. Throughout the years, ProStar has developed a precision mapping solution that is revolutionising the way we view the world. Taking time to provide us with more detail about the innovative solution is ProStar’s, CEO & President, Page Tucker who reveals how the company and its products have evolved, but also highlighting the endless possibilities that lie ahead for the firm.
Elsewhere in this edition, we share an insight into HCR Ltd, one of the UK’s most successful independent companies in the UK providing a unique combination of global mobility services, corporate accommodation solutions and UK destination services.
Here at Acquisition Intl. we sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this month’s issue and our editorial team are always happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.