Welcome to the March issue of Acquisition International magazine. As always, we aim to be your monthly source for all of the latest news and features from across the corporate landscape.
Whilst we nearly always feature the best and brightest experts on the global legal and M&A landscapes, we’ve often not ventured into the security and interior design sectors. Well, that’s about to change, after all Acquisition International has pivoted in recent years to focus on the leading lights of the business world, regardless of their size, location or industry of expertise.
With that in mind, this issue we’ve highlighted the work of leading lawyers (par for the course) and companies of all different shapes and sizes. After all, in times of uncertainty and volatility, it’s often a good idea to stop and appreciate the successes and accomplishments that happen every day. So, whether your workday has just begun, or if you’re counting down the minutes until close of business, here’s something to take your mind – for a moment – off of any challenges you are facing today, this week, or this month.
Of course, that’s just a small glimpse of what we have in store for this issue. So, read on and enjoy. Equally, if you have any questions at all please do get in touch. We’re always delighted to hear from our readers.