At the Forefront of Protecting Their Client’s Rights
J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A. is a consultancy company specializing in Intellectual Property. Recently, we caught up with Maria Cruz Garcia who provided us with a detailed insight into the services the company provides, as well her role within the firm and the remarkable experience she has accumulated over the years.
Snce their inception, J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A. have been protecting innovation and creativity by ensuring the protection of the rights entrusted to them by their clients.
Working alongside the firm is Maria Cruz Garcia, who has been a partner at J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A. since 2008. Responsible for the foreign litigation department, Maria deals with all IP matters and has particular experience in trademarks. A qualified lawyer, Maria graduated from the Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon in 2004 and has completed two postgraduate courses: one in industrial property and the other in intellectual property. However, Maria’s level of experience and qualifications do not end there.
As well as being a regular speaker at conferences and a lecturer on training programmes and postgraduate courses in the IP field, such as the Portuguese Association of Paralegal Practitioners and Enforcement Agents, Maria is also a regular contributing author for several Portuguese economic newspapers on IP matters and for international publications, such as the WTR Yearbook. Going into further detail, Maria begins by informing us of the areas she specializes in, touching on how both she and the team ensure from the beginning that they deliver an award-winning service for their clients.
“Currently, I am responsible for the foreign litigation department. This allows me to work closely with all the colleagues I have been building relationships with over the past 15 years and it is truly rewarding. In addition to this, I am also responsible for the communication and marketing department. As we are celebrating our 70th anniversary this year, we took the opportunity to refresh our image and the way we want to be perceived in the IP market – a company with a lot of know-how that comes from 70 years of existence, but also a firm that has been able to remain at the forefront of IP over the years. Definitely a team of professionals you can trust!”
Whilst on the subject of their clients, Maria highlights the steps the team takes to ensure that all clients receive a top-quality service and how the company achieves the best possible solutions on their behalf.
“It is imperative to put our clients’ needs first in order to provide them with our best advice. For this purpose, it is of course essential that we have in-depth knowledge of our country’s IP laws and regulations, but above all that we get to know (and fully understand) the client that we are working with.”
Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A. will continue to deliver an exceptional service, ensuring not only that they meet the needs and requirements of their clients, but also that they exceed their expectations. Moving forward, Maria will continue to build lasting relationships with colleagues and clients, as she believes that a close relationship with clients and the best contacts abroad are the key to success.
Contact: Maria Cruz Garcia
Company: J. Pereira da Cruz, S.A.
Address: Rua Vitor Cordon, 10A, 1249-103 Lisboa
Telephone: +351 21 347 5020
Web Address: www.jpereiradacruz.pt