Providing Top-Notch Tailor-Made Assistance
Fornari and Associati is a Law Firm specialised in the field of corporate criminal law and its professional services concern both judicial and non-judicial matters. Recently, we caught up with Giuseppe Fornari who revealed to us the ways in which the award-winning firm stays ahead of the game in a dynamic industry.
Based in Milan and Rome, Fornari and Associati specialises in the field of corporate criminal law and its professional services concern both judicial and non-judicial matters. To this extent, the lawyers of Fornari and Associati provide legal assistance to both individuals and legal entities. The activity of the law firm also involves the assistance of companies in the event of internal investigations.
Fornari and Associati has a wide-range of experience in providing assistance in the sector of financial criminal law, corporate criminal law, criminal tax law and environmental criminal law. The founding partner, Giuseppe Fornari, has represented numerous renowned public and private entities and groups of national and multinational corporations, such as banks, financial institutions and insurance companies. Going into further detail about the qualities that enables Fornari and Associati to be the success it is today, Giuseppe begins by explaining they key characteristics of the firm which allows them to deliver the best possible service to their clients.
“Here at Fornari and Associati, our unique value is committing ourselves to our clients in the best possible way, remaining professionally updated and therefore offering a complete 360-degree assistance to our clients.
“The yardstick by which we measure our success is, of course, client satisfaction. Therefore, we are always thrilled to receive positive reviews, particularly at the end of lengthy and complex cases. Many of our clients have said that we are approachable, willing to go the extra mile, thorough and perform well under pressure.”
Giuseppe Fornari represents both individuals and companies. The Law Firm offers a multifaceted assistance to the client during the trial phase. The client is always assisted by a team of professionals who strive to respond promptly to all requests and needs, in order to give a real tailormade experience. In addition to this, the Law Firm’s goal is to carry out its professional service in an efficient and effective manner, analysing case by case the best defensive strategy in the interest of the client.
Enabling Fornari and Associati to provide their clients with the best possible service, is the dynamic team which forms the backbone of the award-winning firm. When discussing the internal culture at the firm, Giuseppe is keen to highlight what role the team plays in the success of Fornari and Associati.
“Fornari and Associati is composed by a team of young lawyers who, applying their passion for the law, analyse all the topics related to the clients’ needs. My opinion is that, in order to assure high quality work, office synergy is fundamental, which therefore means that the workplace should be stimulating and healthy, both from a professional and interpersonal point of view.”
Looking ahead to what the future holds, Giuseppe signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for Acquisition Intl.’s Most Outstanding for White-Collar Criminal Law 2018 – Italy.
“The natural goal of Fornari and Associati is to expand the perimeter of our activity. Moreover, we would like to further invest in another activity and it consists in the organisation of various conferences, dedicated to the analysis of current legal topics, with the participation of professionals that are experts in the relative fields. I think that these types of conferences are both professionally formative and an interesting opportunity for comparison with other colleagues.”
Contact Name: Giuseppe Fornari
Company: Fornari and Associati
Website: www.fornarieassociati.com