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Article Image - Safer, Healthier Air
Posted 7th December 2022

Safer, Healthier Air

iatrixAir is a healthtech start-up that provides mission critical products and services using sensor fusion and machine learning that detects and destroys airborne pathogens and biothreats in near real-time for commercial and public buildings.

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Safer, Healthier Air
woman sitting near air purifier and moisturizer appliance near sofa monitoring air quality in phone.

iatrixAir is a healthtech start-up that provides mission critical products and services using sensor fusion and machine learning that detects and destroys airborne pathogens and biothreats in near real-time for commercial and public buildings. It’s a huge opportunity and a huge problem to solve. But this company has nailed it – making it deserving of being named Best AI-Based Air Quality Control Solutions Developer – North America.

Like the water we drink, we shouldn’t have to concern ourselves with the quality of our indoor air. iatrixAir’s technology makes the indoor air quality of commercial and public buildings safe and healthy, so it is clear of airborne pathogens and biothreats, in near real-time. This comes in the form of smart, efficient, medical grade filtration and air exchange products that monitor air quality 24/7/365. iatrixAir’s “Air Quality as a Service” business model delivers absolute performance with a low-cost monthly fee, and white-glove, never-touch installation by professional contractors.

The company builds relationships with independent representative firms that recruit and train building contractors to install its products and deliver its services to building owners and operators.  The key difference from competitors is that its approach is mission-critical and near real-time, with fast detection using sensors that run every ten seconds; machine learning which uses a predictive and automated approach; fast-first pass disinfection using only proven enclosed, intense UVC light; and real-time visual information via mobile and desktop apps or digital signage. Thanks to iatrixAir, a building operator or owner can now rest assured that their buildings are providing safe, healthy air to employees and visitors.

iatrixAir is on a mission to salvage the air quality industry from being full of misinformation and pseudoscience, and industry standards are also ineffective to stop airborne pathogens such as COVID-19. The rate of ventilation of air in a space should be double the current standards. It’s not so much a technology challenge but rather an education-marketing challenge backed up by improved test methods and standards.

COVID-19 cost the US economy upwards of $200b in 2021 and some reports estimate that the total costs could be up to $16T. What didn’t help in this was that at first, the experts and scientists could not agree on the mechanism of COVID-19, however they now all agree that these airborne pathogens go further and linger in the air for longer than previously thought. It took over a year for the WHO and CDC to provide guidance on the real root cause of COVID-19. Now the root cause is known, iatrixAir is speeding to the market a mission-critical solution of fast detection, fast remediation, and fast information.

The US White House has released the Indoor Air Quality Building Challenge in which a pledge is provided along with steps that a business can take in order to improve their indoor air quality, plus realise tax credits for installing indoor air quality solutions. The spotlight is on indoor air quality. A recent comment by an industry observer indicated that perhaps the building operator or owner has a bigger impact on your health than your doctor! We now spend over 90% of our time indoors so safe and healthy air is very important.

Indeed, iatrixAir continues to see an enormous opportunity with many companies needing better air quality solutions, whether workplaces, schools, shopping malls, or restaurants. Indoor air quality should not be something we have to think about. The key is understanding the air quality in the space and its air flows. iatrixAir will over the coming years have huge amounts of data in the cloud that it can use to make its products more effective and efficient using the latest AI machine learning.

Now, it is working on creating discreet products which can’t be seen or heard but still keep the air quality safe and healthy. The company is filling its patents on this approach and has licensed other patents to place these products on the market in the new two to three years.

Because UVC is a very proven science. And iatrixAir is showing the industry how it’s done. And just in time as RSV, the annual flu and a resurgence of CV-19 is occurring or what is called the tri-pandemic. The spread of airborne pathogens can be reduced with existing technology re-purposed, combined with new technologies such as machine learning.

For business enquiries, contact Marc McConnaughey from iatrixAir, Inc. via email – [email protected] or on their website – www.iatrixair.com

Marc McConnaughey

Categories: Innovation, News

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