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Posted 16th July 2024

Siloes and Separations: The IT Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions

Global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are back on the rise. According to the London Stock Exchange Group, global takeovers totalled $1.3 trillion this year – an increase of 23% compared with the same period last year,  Despite this uptick in activity, KPMG’s 2023 CEO Survey revealed that 83% of M&A deals failed to boost shareholder returns. The study found that this was primarily due to various post-merger integration challenges, which for many of these issues could be addressed with a right-fit enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

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Siloes and Separations: The IT Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions
Effective customer acquisition strategies leverage emerging technologies to connect with audiences at multiple touchpoints, business concept

By Martin Burden, Commercial Director at digital transformation specialists, Nexer Enterprise Applications

Global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are back on the rise. According to the London Stock Exchange Group, global takeovers totalled $1.3 trillion this year – an increase of 23% compared with the same period last year.

Despite this uptick in activity, KPMG’s 2023 CEO Survey revealed that 83% of M&A deals failed to boost shareholder returns. The study found that this was primarily due to various post-merger integration challenges, which for many of these issues could be addressed with a right-fit enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

One of the most significant challenges of implementing post-merger integration is the inheritance of multiple IT systems. The newly formed organisation has to labour under the siloed management of finance, supply chain operations, HR, sales, procurement, and various other departments. This doesn’t have to be the case.

In the high-stakes world of mergers and acquisitions, where fortunes are lost or found, enterprise resource planning systems have emerged as the unsung hero. Leaders must ensure they become a key consideration of any business embarking on an M&A strategy. Importantly, they must consider leveraging expertise and implementing a robust change management project to unlock a deal’s full potential.

The backbone of integration: Consistency and collaboration

At the heart of every successful M&A integration lies the challenge of harmonising disparate systems, processes, and data streams. ERP systems can serve as the backbone of integration. They have the ability to seamlessly consolidate financial, operational, and customer data into a centralised system. This unified view not only enhances visibility and accurate reporting but also fosters collaboration and consistent operations across the merged entities.

Standardising for success

One of the key advantages of ERP systems in mergers and acquisitions is their ability to standardise business processes. By eliminating inefficiencies and redundancies, ERP systems ensure that the newly formed organisation operates as a cohesive unit, leveraging best practices and optimising workflows. 

Imagine trying to merge two companies with vastly different operational models. Without the right ERP system, it would be like trying to merge fast food with fine dining. However, with a robust ERP solution, merging entities can streamline processes and unlock the true synergies of the merger.

Scalability and agility: The keys to unlocking growth 

In fast-paced, dynamic markets, scalability and agility are paramount. Modern ERP systems such as Microsoft Dynamics 365, are designed with these principles in mind. They’re designed to accommodate increased transaction volumes, additional users, and new business units resulting from M&A activities. This scalability ensures that the merged entity can grow without significant disruptions, capitalise on new opportunities and adapt to changing market dynamics.

Cost optimisation and cloud agility 

Beyond operational efficiencies, ERP systems specifically contribute to cost optimisation in mergers and acquisitions. By consolidating multiple legacy systems into a single, modern ERP solution, companies can realise significant cost savings in maintenance, hardware, and support staff. Additionally, cloud-based ERP solutions offer unparalleled agility and flexibility, enabling seamless integration across different locations and overcoming geographical challenges inherent in M&A deals. 

The future M&A lies in the hands of ERP integration

As the business landscape continues to evolve, the role of ERP systems in facilitating successful M&A integrations will only become more crucial. These powerful tools are no longer just supporting businesses; their commanding operations and enabling companies to grow into corporate giants. With their ability to unify disparate entities, streamline processes, and unlock operational efficiencies, ERP systems are poised to take centre stage in the business environment that demands digital transformation. As the appetite for growth ever increases, the future of M&A lies in the hands of technological integration. 

Categories: M&A, News

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