2020 Winner • Business Excellence Awards
Best Aviation Publication 2020 - Spain

Best Aviation Publication 2020 - Spain
<p>Hispaviacion is an independent provider of multimedia information for the global aviation, RPAS and Space around the world connecting people and business opportunities through the news and articles published in the magazine. Designed to be of general interest to all professionals, Hispaviacion also give presence to the main aerospace manufacturers and suppliers, MRO, airlines, airports, managers, engineers, pilots, researchers, business aviation operators, militaries, governments and other organizations involved on aviation, RPAS and space. Hispaviacion is a key online source for all professionals that are looking for the lastest and daily updated news, and provides a clear overview of the sector of aviation, rpas and space alongside investigative articles from leading journalists that work in the magazine. Thought the last eight years of life, Hispaviacion has make significant changes designed to improve efficiency on the way of be updated in all moment that allows to the readers and followers of our social networks enjoy the experience and feel part of the magazine. The annual growth of Hispaviacion confirm our importance inside the specialized media of aviation, rpas and space in spanish language.</p>
Our Trusted Brands
Acquisition International is a flagship brand of AI Global Media. AI Global Media is a B2B enterprise and are committed to creating engaging content allowing businesses to market their services to a larger global audience. We have 14 unique brands, each of which serves a specific industry or region. Each brand covers the latest news in its sector and publishes a digital magazine and newsletter which is read by a global audience.