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2020 Winner • Business Excellence Awards


Best Management Networking Club 2020 - Belgium

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Best Management Networking Club 2020 - Belgium

<p>ManAs is an informal network of management assistants based in Antwerp, Belgium. In short, we&#8217;re a management assistants club where networking is the common theme. Every month we organize an activity. This can be a lecture, a workshop or an interactive performance. Assistants but also sympathizers and students come together and learn something new. We network in an informal way by learning about the latest trends, facts and tips from different disciplines. The birth year of our assistants club is 1973. This means that this year ManAs has been on the counter for already 47 (!) years… But we’re still young at heart. Started as an &#8216;executive secretary&#8217;s club&#8217; by a few passionate secretaries from Antwerp, we quickly saw the opportunity to bring together like-minded souls in a professional platform. In 2000 the network club was renamed and rebranded as &#8216;Management Assistants Club&#8217; to what it is today and where we’re very proud of: ManAs.</p> <p>www.manas.be</p> <p>Follow us on<br /> https://www.facebook.com/ManagementAssistantsClub/<br /> https://www.instagram.com/manasantwerpen/<br /> https://www.linkedin.com/company/management-assistants-club-manas</p>

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