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2020 Winner • Business Excellence Awards

Marsurv Marine Surveys

Best Houseboat & Inland Waterways Survey Company - UK

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Marsurv Marine Surveys

Best Houseboat & Inland Waterways Survey Company - UK

<p>As one of Europe&#8217;s leading Professional Marine Surveyors and Consultants Ouraim is to offer reliability and professionalism to our clients, achieve their specific requirements and exceed their expectations. Our team possess a wealth of experience and technical expertise across arange of marine surveying activities forboth private and commercial clients.</p> <p>We conduct surveys on vessels of all types, sizes and materials and are specialists in Houseboat, Narrowboat, Barge &#038; RIB Surveys.</p> <p>We are approved by the Maritime &#038; Coastguard Agency Through IIMS to undertake Tonnage Surveys on vessels of up to 24 metres length for British Registration.</p> <p>In addition to British Registration, we arealso approved to undertake Tonnage Surveys by a number of other Red Ensign Flag States as follows:</p> <p> Jersey – Vessels less than 24 metreslength<br /> Guernsey – Vessels less than 24 metres length<br /> Isle of Man – Vessels less than 24 metres length<br /> BVI – Vessels less than 24 metres load line length<br /> Cayman Islands – Vessels less than 24 metres load line length<br /> Gibraltar – Vessels less than 24 metres length</p> <p>We are approved to conduct CE Marking assessments in accordance with Directive 2013/53 / EU (RecreationalCraft) through ANS &#8211; National Agency for Safety &#8211; an Italian Notified Body to the European Commission for the Nautical NB2405<br /> Authorized by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport &#8211; Ministry of Economic Development</p> <p>Based in London, Kent, Essex &#038; Spain we are able to complete surveys throughout the UK andEurope at short notice.</p>

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