Winners’ Directory
The August Winners’ Directory includes an array of deserving intellectual property, financial and managerial experts from all over the world.
2016 Business Leaders
Company: MOURI Tech
Name: Anil Yerramreddy, CEO
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.mouritech.com
Address: 1303 W. Walnut Hill Ln, Suite # 285,
Irving, TX 75038
Telephone: (972) 756 1500
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Argentina
Company: O’Conor & Power
Name: Santiago R. O’Conor
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.oconorpower.com.ar
Address: San Martín 663, Piso 9, Ciudad de
Buenos Aires (C1004AAM) Argentina
Telephone: (5411) 4311-2740
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Canada
Company: Husky Injection Molding Systems
Name: Intellectual Property – Global Team
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: husky.ca
Telephone: 001 905 951 5000
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – France
Name: Marianne GABRIEL
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.casalonga.com
Address: 5/7 avenue Percier 75008 Paris
Telephone: +33 (0)1 45 61 22 31
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Germany
Company: Maiwald Patentanwalts GmbH
Name: Dr. Martin Huenges, LL. M.
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.maiwald.eu
Address: Elisenhof, Elisenstraße 3, 80335 Munich,
Telephone: +49 (0)89 7472660
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Japan
Company: M. Ide & Co.
Name: Masatake IDE
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.midepat.com
Address: 9F, Gobancho Grand Building
3-1, Gobancho, Chiyoda-Ku
Tokyo 102-0076, Japan
Telephone: +81 3 3263 7749
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – The Philippines
Name: Benjamin Z. Lerma
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.Romulo.com
Address: 21st Floor, Philamlife Tower, 8767 Paseo
de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines
Telephone: (+632) 848-0114 / 555-9555
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Slovenia
Company: PATENTNI BIRO AF d.o.o.
Name: Antonija Flak
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.patentni-biro-af.si
Address: Kotnikova 32, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: +386 1 43 00 335
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – UK
Company: MLP Law LLP
Name: Stephen Attree
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.mlplaw.co.uk
Address: 7 Market St, Altrincham, WA14 1QE
Telephone: 0161 926 9969
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Vietnam
Company: Annam IP & Law
Name: Le Quoc Chein
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.annamlaw.com
Address: No. 10, Lane 34, Au Co Street, Tay Ho
District, Hanoi Vietnam
Telephone: +844 3718 6216
2016 IP Practitioner of the Year – Vietnam
Company: Vision & Associates
Name: Pham Nghiem Xuan Bac
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.vision-associates.com
Address: Unit 308-310, 3rd Floor, Hanoi Towers,
49 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi,
Telephone: (84 4) 3934 0629
Fax: (84 4) 3934 0631
2016 Transfer Pricing Practitioner of the Year – China
Company: CMS, China
Name: Nicolas Zhu
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.cmslegal.cn
Address: 2801 Plaza 66, Tower 2, 1266 Nanjing
Road West Shanghai 200040 P.R.China
Telephone: +86 21 6289 6363
2016 Transfer Pricing Practitioner of the Year – Poland
Company: Grant Thornton Poland
Name: Magdalena Olejnik
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: http://grantthornton.pl/en/
Address: ul. abpa Antoniego Baraniaka, 88E
Budynek F, 61-131 Poland
Telephone: +48 61 625 1100
Transfer Pricing Practitioner of the Year – Puerto Rico
Company: Kevane Grant Thornton LLP
Name: Jeannette De Orbeta
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.kevane.com
Address: 33 Calle Bolivia Ste 400, San Juan,
Puerto Rico 00917-2013
Telephone: (787) 754 1915
2016 Transfer Pricing Practitioner of the Year – Taiwan
Company: Grant Thornton Taiwan
Name: Jay Lo
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: http://www.grantthornton.tw/
Address: 5th Floor No. 21 Zhongxiao East Road,
Sec. 6, Taipei 11575 Taiwan, Republic of China
Telephone: +886 (0)2 2789 0887
America’s Best of the Best in Finance
Company: McIntyre & Smith
Name: David A.Smith
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: http://mcintyreandsmith.com/
Address: East Side Square, 1522 1 Street,
Bedford, Indiana 47421-3836
Telephone: +1 (812) 275-3306
Business Elite 2016
Company: Onare´Salon
Name: Mario Verrilli
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: http://onaresalon.com/
Address: 2100 Hurontario St, Mississauga, ON
L5B 1M8
Telephone: 001 905-279-4279
CEO of the Year 2016: USA
Company: FutureNet Group
Name: Perry Mehta
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.FutureNetGroup.com
Address: 12801 Auburn St. Detroit, MI 48223
Telephone: 313-544-7117
Most Innovative Hedge Fund Manager
Company: Ross Financial Advisors, LLC
Fund: Ross Aggressive Income Fund, LP
Name: Douglas J. Ross
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.rossfinancialadvisors.com
Most Innovative Hedge Fund Manager – Switzerland
Company: Finanz Konzept AG
Name: Lars Oberle
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.finanz-konzept.ch
Address: Schulhausstrasse 42, 8002 Zürich,
Telephone: +41 44 204 34 64
Distinguished in Dispute Resolution
2016, Arbitrator of the Year – Austria
Company: Hauser Partners Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Name: Dr. Wulf Gordian Hauser
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.hauserpartners.com
Address: Seilerstätte 18-20, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: +43 (0)1 512 29 00
Distinguished in Dispute Resolution 2016 – Serbia
Company: Hrle Attorneys
Name: Vladimir Hrle
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.hrle-attorneys.rs
Address: Simina 1, Belgrade, Serbia
Telephone: +381 64 1106335
Fund Manager of the Year
Company: SCM Direct.com
Name: Gina Miller, Founder
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.scmdirect.com
Address: 2 Eaton Gate, London, SW1W 9BJ
Telephone: 0207 838 8650
Top 50 in Tech
Company: Sesui
Name: Julian Sammells
Email: [email protected]
Web Address: www.sesui.com
Address: Sesui, Magdalen Centre, The Oxford
Science Park, Oxford, OX4 4GA
Telephone: 03445 600 600